Tuesday, September 15, 2015


This is the RoboSculptor’s first print run extruding material. The typical 20mm x 20mm x 20mm calibration cube was sliced using Skeinforge. The Durbie profile was loaded with settings for a 0.5mm nozzle and 3.0mm ABS filament.

The print run was successful . The actual measurement of the printed cube is 20.19mm x 20.47 x 19.56mm. The height is under due to a poor calibration of print nozzle to print bed. This did not allow the first layer to print at a proper height.

The cube has thin areas of filament layers. This is most likely due to inadequate filament feed. This needs to be adjusted in the slicer, Skeinforge by way of the feed/flow ratio (which is 1.5 in this case) or by decreasing the filament Packing Density Ratio (which is set at 1.0).

Print time: [00:15:56]   Total Service Hours: [00:15:56]

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