Thursday, September 17, 2015


This is the second run, this time utilizing Slic3r for the slicing of the 20mm calibration cube. The standard settings in Slic3r are kept.

The print was successful. The cube measures 20.58mm x 20.72mm x 20.60mm. The filament feed seems adequate, though their are issues.

The z height was too high, so there was not enough adherence to the print bed. This caused distortion of the first layers.

There seems to be a wobble in the Z axis. This was anticipated to some degree due to the design of the Z axis structure.

The apparent wobble of layers could also be from other factors that need to be explored.

Overall, this seems to be a good start.

Print time: [00:26:01]   Total Service Hours: [00:41:57]

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